The applications seem to be endless, from advertising affiliate links, brand awareness and direct sales. The diverse ways that this media is being used both on PC and more often than not now, on smartphones, is limitless but it all seems to point to one thing ; increasing the traffic to whatever it is you are trying to sell. Whether to an affiliate link or directly to a website to find out more information, social media's use for business is all about traffic. I believe it is becoming one of the most important marketing tools in the area of brand awareness and it has cleverly blurred the lines between business and social networking sites.
The first meeting in February for The Business Club North London is going to explore and give you answers in exactly how to give your business the edge in the use of social media 'Twitter'
thebusinessclub-North London next club meeting :
DATE: Wednesday 3rd February 2010
VENUE : Hendon Hall Hotel
TIME : 6pm for 6.30pm meet. 7pm start.
Business Builder Free to members Incl Buffet (Non Members may attend two meetings before joining at a charge of £10 per meeting)
Mark Shaw is an award winning ex sales guy that advises and trains businesses, and individuals on how to use Twitter.
Mark has been ranked as high as # 3 in the UK &, #49 in the World for Twitter Elite & has approx 12,000 followers. He has been on radio and published in the media in his capacity as an expert on Twitter.
The Talk
Twitter is really getting a massive head of steam up. There are literally millions of people around the world joining on a monthly basis. But does Twitter have any uses for Business? Is Twitter just a social thing? Can Twitter actually help you to drive more website traffic, and with it more revenue for your business? This 35min talk by Mark Shaw will cover exactly why your business should be on Twitter.
See you there :-) - Remember "Networking is a contact sport!"
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