Ever felt lost for words at a networking event?
Not quite sure what to say to start off a conversation?
Here are ten questions that you can mix and match to suit any particular occasion:
How did you get your start in the ‘Widget’ business? – People like to be Movie of the week in someone else’s mind – let them share their story while you actively listen.
What do you actively enjoy most about your profession? – Another positive question that should get you a positive answer.
What separates you and your company from your competition? – The permission to brag question.
What advice would you give to someone just starting in your business? – We all like to feel like a mentor, to feel that our answer matters and that we can value to someone else.
What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you could not fail? – People always take time to ponder before answering this one.
What significant changes have you seen take place in your profession through the years? - Asking people who are a little more mature in years works well in this instance as they have gone through the computer age, the take over of Fax machines, from a time when service really seemed to matter.
What do you see as the coming trends in your business? – “The spectacular question”. People in the media who are asked this type of question are portrayed as knowledgeable types with their finger on the pulse.
Describe the strangest or funniest incident experienced in your business? – You’re volunteering to be the person’s audience, we all have stories that we like to share especially with a ‘new listener’.
What have you found to be the most effective for promoting your business? – This is a more probing question and perhaps should be asked after initial rapport building.
What one sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do business? You have paid a compliment – you have asked the question quite possibly, people who are closest to them yet have never thought to ask!
The Business Club North London - next club meeting :
DATE: Wednesday 20th January 2010
VENUE : Hendon Hall Hotel
TIME : 6pm for 6.30pm meet. 7pm start.
Business Builder Free to members Incl Buffet (Non Members may attend two meetings before joining at a charge of £10 per meeting)
Getting More Sales in 2010!!!
"2009 has been a tough year, but for many businesses it needn't have been as tough. Make sure you hit 2010 with a plan and put in place proven methods for getting more sales ... practical and measurable ways to get more clients and get your existing clients to buy more from you..."
SPEAKER : Chris Billington Hughes
Chris has been responsible for identifying millions of pounds of extra revenue for Results Corporations clients' and helping business leaders see the true potential of their business. Chris has worked with hundreds of companies in many industry sectors, helping them to implement advanced marketing and business growth strategies.In addition to working directly with businesses, Chris is also sought after as a speaker, presenting to groups of CEO's, managing directors and business owners all over the UK for organisations such as Lloyds TSB, Business Money, The Business Club and many other leading organisations.
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